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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Jolly Kiddie Meal | Jolly Town Blocks

03.24.2019 – Jollibee is a famous fast-food chain in the Philippines, and it has already opened branches all over the world. It is considered McDonald’s competitor and has been around for 41 years. It’s popular for its Chicken Joy and Spaghetti as well as its other favourite food on its menu.

The other thing that is popular about Jollibee is the toys included in their Jolly Kiddie Meal or sometimes called Jolly Kids Meal depending on how they marketed their version of a Happy Meal. For this month, they have their latest Jolly Town Blocks!

Jolly Town is a fictional world where Jollibee and the rest of his friends exist. It has been featured in a local morning kid show as well as previously released Kiddie Meals that you need to collect to put together the world of Jolly Town.

The Kiddie Meal toys can be characters featuring Jollibee and friends or licensed properties from DC Comics like Batman, Pokémon, Marvel's Spider-Man, and even the lions of Voltron to form the super robot. But these days the Jollibee Corporation mostly focused on promoting its brand identity through its characters.

To make their brand relevant, the Kiddie Meal featuring Jollibee and his friends are depicted in their adventures either collecting a set of racing cars or putting together a Fun House by getting all five (sometimes six) in their themed appearance featured Jollibee characters to create the playset

Usually, the featured Kiddie Meal is offered for the month in their Kiddie Meals, and for each meal (either a burger, Spaghetti, or burger steak paired with drinks). This month is again featuring Jollibee and his friends, but this time the Jolly Town is featured for kids to build as construction blocks.

Jolly Town Blocks

In every release of a Kiddie Meal that features Jollibee and his friends, it is worth noting that the first to be sold out is Jollibee himself. There are other four characters released in this theme, and they are Hetty, Popo, Twirlie, and Yum. With each character comes with a façade featuring the place they live or work.

For Jollibee, it is obvious that a Jollibee store is featured as his background with a build plate. Each character they are just packed in a plastic baggy, and it is FREE when you order a Kiddie Meal just like McDonald’s Happy Meal. But just like the Happy Meal in the Philippines, you can’t purchase the toy alone.

The Jolly Store

Jollibee’s store is composed of three shaped blocks and a base plate with a Jollibee figure. This includes a sheet of decals for you to apply on the bricks upon assembly. The set is entirely a façade that is built over a tiny green baseplate that can be connected to the other characters of the same theme.

From opening the plastic bag you’ll immediately notice that Jollibee does not have any moving parts. It is just a static figure molded in the form of Jollibee with a round peg underneath his feet that connects to the baseplate, but you will notice that the clutch power is not what you’d expect on a generic construction toy.

A Bee in a Fantasy Wall

The Jollibee figurine looks good down to the details, but there are no moving parts as a consolation to probably interact with known branded construction toys. The construction set doesn’t set you high expectations, but a child would probably enjoy putting this together save for the atrocious sticker sheet.

But you can understand the quality was limited to the budget constraints in putting together this product. But it sure is something that comes to mind that Jollibee has produced their own construction toys despite the lack of quality.

It is the only way you can get the other characters from Jolly Town and despite the lack of moving parts, they are fairly good as a display piece minus the façade they come with that becomes an added piece to anyone’s collection.

But surely, a third-party toymaker out there might be producing their version of Jollibee in brick form. But would it be officially licensed and produced by a well-known company from Denmark?

Time will tell, but anyone who collects minifigures or any character in this aesthetic could only wish that it can interact with their favourite character from that part of the realm or universe, which can only be a pipedream. But who knows really, this one from Jollibee can still interact with those characters just ad your imagination.

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